Things I learned today (Part 1)

I trust moves are underway to bring down the full power of the state against these cunts.

We’ll be waiting when they come back for the abortion referendum.

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In Iceland, they have an app to check a potential life/sexual partner to make sure they are not related.

They have the opposite in Tipperary


Happy to give that the first.

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Must be why Patrickswell wear the Tipperary colours.

A two liker!

The Gin Craze introduced to UK by William of Orange gave rise to the phrase “Dutch courage”.

Gin was a Protestant drink.

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Anna Friel is only 36.

What have I missed here, I thought she was 41?

Oh right. Some halfwit posted that she’s another 4 years to go before moving into the auld birds thread.


What sort of eejit would do that? This is the fucking INTERNET.

Could you please start some sort of social media campaign based on fake news to end this gin craze? It’s costing me a fucking fortune anytime we go for a few drinks.




45 is the entry level I adhere to.

Just like you adhere to breaking 25 minutes as some sort of acceptable standard for running a 5k, a standard a fat girl could meet with a bit of training.


12 euro in Dublin now for a gin and tonic. Bonkers alright.

The first vending machine was in shape of a cat and the tail was a hose which dispensed gin.

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Where are you paying 12€ for a gin and tonic?

Hendricks Gin and Fever Tree Elderflower Tonic Water is the bones of €12 in most places in the country.

This is the go to GnT for the ladies who are getting into the Gin craze in Ireland.

The good times are back baby.

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This isn’t Gordons & Schweeps we are dealing with here.

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