Things I learned today (Part 1)

When did Ronnie find out?


Andy Murray has a knighthood, did not know that

The origin of how we write our numbers relates to how many angles there are in each figure.
0 has no angles, 1 has one, 2(z) has two etc.
This lad explains it properly (around 22.40)


That fucking woo woo woo, the cunts doing it should be shot.

This gets very interesting

Things I learned yesterday - Frank Murphy is no longer Cork Secretary,

That would be a great story if it was in anyway true at all, which of course it isnā€™t.


Go onā€¦

Go onā€¦

Come on man.

Have you the numbers to back that up?


If there are no angles in a 0 how many angles are there in an 8

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Much appreciated. I generally believe the best in a man until I discover the worst. Heā€™s dead to me now.

8 the way he writes it


Look at the state of fucking 9 sure. He literally drew on a squiggly bit to get up to 9. And the two lines through the seven.

And a half line at the end of the 5 for the craic too. If they were going to come up with the numbers based on how many angles they could fit in youā€™d have thought they could have had more creative designs

Aye, but I donā€™t think dogmatic adherence to actual angles was the point, assuming there is historic basis etc.

We need the thoughts of the TFK angles expert on this matter.

cc @balbec