Things I learned today (Part 1)

Saying the same thing over and over again doesn’t make it true Sidney.

It just reinforces prejudices you have against certain posters and people.

Everyone who disagrees with you is stupid, stupid, stupid or racist, racist, racist.

You often also accuse people of infantile behaviour when things go south on you, it doesn’t get more infantile than that.

How? Gemma O’Doherty is a far right conspiracy theorist who posts baseless allegations, whips up naked hatred based on race grounds and believes in pseudoscience.

You engage in all of these things, therefore the comparison of you to O’Doherty is a very obvious and accurate one.

Now, if you mean I’m the opposite of O’Doherty because I’m not a conspiracy theorist, don’t post baseless allegations, don’t whip up racial hatred and believe in science, that would be true.

Of course I know you don’t mean it like that, you mean it in whatever way you do mean it because you’re a not very bright idiot.

But such is life, there will always be loudmouth idiots around, and you are certainly proof of that.

You might as well stop saying it then.

I am prejudiced against racists, yes

No, racists are racist

But that line is very definitely stupid, it’s absurdly stupid in fact because you’re proving you can only argue against a straw man ratehr than arguing against my points.

A lot of people who argue agaisnt me are infantile, I think that’s been proven pretty much unquestionably over the years, you’re being pretty infantile yourself here as my previous sentence proves

  1. I am an actual scientist.
  2. I have zero hate for anyone, including you, possibly the most obnoxious character I have encountered online.
  3. Unlike you I have lived most of my life in a multi-cultural, multi-race environment, both socially and at work. It would simply be impossible for me to accomplish what I have accomplished if I were in the slightest racist.

But do carry on.

Yes, but you don’t get to decide who is racist. Racists are people who are filled with hate, and as you are the poster most full of hate on here, you are least equipped to judge anyone else’s character.

A Christian Scientist?

You’re certainly not an actual scientist because any actual knowledge of science you’ve displayed on this forum could be written on the back of a stamp.

You have zero hate, for Nazis, so?


Do try and quit with Mother Teresa act, by the way. You’re only making yourself look more foolish, if that were possible, which, luckily for you, probably isn’t.

You live in a multi-cultural, multi-race environment. So fucking what? That says precisely nothing abut your attitude to race or ethnicity.

Stephen Yaxley-Lennon lives in a multi-cultural, multi-race environment.

The only thing you’ve accomplished is to expose yourself as a complete whack job.

Oh, and it is not only possible for racists to advance very far career wise, it’s extremely common. The fact that you don’t think it is inadvertantly gives away your racist naturre yet again. Even when trying to deny your racist nature you can’t help but let it slip.

Every post of yours is littered with dead giveaways like that that could only be written by a white man, that expose you for what you are.

According to your logic if you hate racists that makes you a racist.

This is your actual logic.

You have the logical reasoning ability of a five year old.

Goodnight Sidney

Sleep well, pal.

I’ve just told you I don’t hate you. You are the only one who displays fascist tendencies on this forum, and it’s not even close to second place.

Hate accomplishes nothing. Calling people racists, Nazis, etc. because they disagree with you is infantile, and frankly unintelligent. It’s no different to hatred towards gays, etc.

Nope, hatred accomplishes nothing, it just eats away at you. Think about that.

To quote a favourite word of one of your e-buddies, “Gosh”

You probably didn’t get the blatant hypocrisy there

The “you shouldn’t hate Nazis” argument is one I haven’t heard you utter before, I must admit.

You’re not even trying anymore.

Given that you wanted to ban Islam and have spent the last three years spewing hatred against Muslims at every chance it’s laughable on more than one level too.

Goodnight Sidney. God bless.

Another thread gone.

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I learned to keep out of this thread


Sid’s a scientist

Where to start with those? You big ape :smile:

Gas cunts


Ariana Grande is a foot shorter than Theresa May.