Things I learned today (Part 1)

@glasagusban surely you know the answer to this one.

Things both me and Donald trump learned today, That Kansas City chiefs are not from Kansas but Missouri

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We’re over it.

Jealousy sheer hooliganism,the coloured kid is an outstanding footballer,and his mate were doing nothing, unprovoked attack by some scum

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That you felt the need to proclaim such gives the lie to your assertion.

In 1950 Kirk Douglas starred with Lauren Bacall and Doris Day in a hit movie named “Young Man With A Horn”.


Did you ask for your money back?

Philip schofield is a member of the scarfwearing community

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Great to see him getting so much support from his wife, fellow celebrities etc. You’re at nothing these days unless you’re coming out.

Something I long suspected but was confirmed today

Hard on the wife.

Gary Lineker next?

Ah, give Mrs Schofield time to comprehend this first.

I’d say it was rarely hard on the wife.


Thats brilliant :clap:

Good on him. Not an easy thing to do with his family and at his age. Can relate to what he said on tv this morning regarding self talk. It is a road I was down. For all the fantastic progress that has been made in last couple of decades gays are far more likely to suffer with self stigma and mental health difficulties.


Wasn’t he in a spot of bother recently for bullying?

certainly wouldve been in a very difficult position. its infinitely easier for someone of the younger generations to come out than there is for the older people as they will still be conditioned to the treatment of gays back in the old days. i have to say its also a marvellous reflection on his family that theyve been so supportive. it must be tough for his wife to be dealing with that and she must be questioning herself as well

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Poor Holly

I suspect this was forced on him by someone nasty getting wind of it.

His poor wife.