Things I learned today (Part 1)


Ah tis great tttttttttt , as long as it doesn’t rain

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Saving Private Halloran doesn’t have the same ring to it.

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The cassette version had a picture of the kids from the Aughrim Street scouts.


Knew of the Artane boys band but not the scouts

I see @Bandage adorned the vinyl


I have that album.

Sandro Mazzola’s papa was part of the Grande Torino side and lost his life in the Superga plane crash.

I’ve never heard of anything in that statement.


Magpies are part of the crow family. Actually I learnt this yesterday. It was on a poster called garden birds of Ireland that was given away with the Sindo which I saw on an elderly couples coffee table.

I actually only learned the same a few weeks.

If you were raised on a bog that would explain matters relating to your ignorance.

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Appears is not just the crows with a murder in mind for the group…

Kind of obvious really. They look like them.


Delighted you’ve found love again Fagan.


In America they count crows not magpies, one for sorrow, two for joy etc hence the name of the band Counting Crows.

Edit - got the name wrong this morning.

Mildred Anne Butler. A murder of Crows.


Mildred Anne Butler. The Delegates


Mildred Anne Butler. War in Mid-Air.


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Something else I learned today

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We were out in Curraghchase for a walk one evening last week, parked round the back at the bend. There was a very large flock (?) of grey crows in field by the road a rising and settling again. Could do with a dozen shotguns to clear those cunts.