Things I learned today (Part 1)

enough with the technical mumbo jumbo! use plain English man!

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Jonathan Woodgate is the Bournemouth manager.

He hardly ran 27 Metres in his entire Arsenal career

ā€œDial M for murderā€ and ā€œRear windowā€ were released in the same year

Ta @Mac . There was a gimp of a DJ on some radio station talking about this yesterday. He took so long before he actually said what it was that I turned it off. Iā€™d been wondering since what the secret was.

Iā€™ve just tried that. Mind blown.

Hurling refs generally use a Fox 40 Whistle.

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I thought that was a great little nugget. Youā€™d be at nothing with some yoke you picked up in Aldi.

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What are you using @flattythehurdler?

Ā£4.99 on Amazon for a whistle and a lovely little plastic wallet, cards and bits of paper.

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I used coach with one of these. Found it very handy for holding the hurl at the same time.
Of course gave it a loan to some guy and that was the end of it.

what kind of animal borrows another persons whistle?


Somebody who hasnā€™t one.

Funny story is, another guy was reffing an underage challenge match. He was letting everything go.

After the match I says to Nicky, ā€œJasus you didnā€™t give us much there?ā€

His answer was, ā€œIā€™d no whistle sureā€.


That the limerick lads have in some way turned in to Liverpool lads with their carry on

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Nicky Lad


Belle and the Devotions achieved something no other Eurovision performers had achieved before, when they represented the UK at the final in Luxembourg in 1984, namely being the first ever act to be booed on stage. It was said that the booing was due to English football hooligans having rioted in Luxembourg in November 1983 after being knocked out of the UEFA European Football Championship.

The Heggenpress


Duran Duranā€™s video for their new single ā€˜Invisibleā€™ is the first music video to be made entirely using AI. It also features Blurā€™s Graham Coxon on lead guitar.