Things I learned today (Part 2)


The Belgium/Netherlands border is a real mess too. I think there is a town where certain hoses have multiple borders between both nations. Good thing they are on good terms

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Thank you Mr. Cartographer :+1:t2:

There is a part of Belgium in the Netherlands or else itā€™s the other way around,

The Flemish are a proud people and donā€™t give a fuck about boarders.

Those poor flemish students, hope someone cares for them


There is a part of the USA up in Washington state that can only be accessed through Canada.

Closer to home there is a part of county Monaghan that can only be accessed through Northern Ireland. Itā€™s known as the Drumully Salient.


you might enjoy where this link brings you: Strange Maps - Big Think

Interesting. I googled that as it sounds like a made up name. It sounds like a premise or location set up for the opening chapter of a fantasy novel.

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That recent Armenia, Azerbajian war was around an exclave, thereā€™s usually some fascinating history around weird places like that.

Ceuta would be another with a sea border

I drove through it in 2019.

I find enclaves and exclaves a fascinating subject. Sounds simple enough but gets fierce complex when you get into it.

The two I find interesting are the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla on the north African coast. And they have the nerve to bang on about Gibraltar.

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How do the Spanish enclaves work ? Youā€™d see footage of the lads running around the streets like theyā€™d won gold for getting into them but do the Spanish not just process them to fcuk most of them back out into the wilderness ?..

reminded of this place when Spain complains about Gibraltar Melilla - Wikipedia

Thatā€™s it Iā€™d say. Even if you did get in youā€™d be quickly enough spotted and processed back out. Youā€™d wonder if they are worth all the problems. Thereā€™s money in trading posts I suppose.

Pete Doherty is 6ft 2
Always thought he was a smaller fella


The link I posted above has a conversation around this from before on here - thereā€™s a town in the Netherlands called Baarle that is like a Belgian exclave archipelago* with lots of tiny little bits of Belgium that are surrounded by Dutch territory.

*Iā€™d like to claim this phrase as my own if no one has come up with it before.

per the title

ā€˜Cockageeā€™ is the name of a once famous old Irish cider apple tree variety now thought to be extinct. The name in Irish is ā€˜Cac a Gheidhā€™, which translates as ā€˜goose shit greenā€™ and refers to the unusual yellow-green colour of the fruit. It is now the name of a keeved cider being produced in small batches in Slane, Co Meath.
