Things I learned today (Part 2)

What a stuip name for a drink.They’ll sell nothing.Imagine goin into the pub and asking for a pint of Cockagee.Even @Thomas_Brady wouldn’t order a pint of that or ask for it in the off licence

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The Ulster rugby team has a player called Michael Lowry.

He’s a good player too.

I’ll judge it when I taste it.

From an interview with the producer:

Cockagee is Ireland’s only keeved cider, a traditional way of making cider that is mostly only kept alive now in parts of France and the whole purpose of which is to achieve a very slow and gentle fermentation in order to preserve flavour, aroma and residual fruit sugars from the original apple must.

Its fermentation by wild yeasts – ambient in the orchard, apples, press house and equipment – takes between 8 and 12 months and is followed by a further 3-6 months of conditioning in the bottle so it’s an incredibly slow and unpredictable process and you have to really love it to do it. “It’s very time consuming and complex and far from an exact science”, Mark tells me. “I think it can only be learned by trial and error and a certain amount of intuition as each tank reacts differently.”

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“Can I’ve 2 pints of Guinness and a Cock please” :grinning:

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Possibly the most hipster cider yet.

Pint of the cock and Gee please

I remember having some homebrew cidres in France years ago and it was mighty tack. I’m in. Cocks & Gee for PhattPike pls.

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A few pints of this stuff and you’d be gee eyed.

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Ok that’s absolutely brilliant.

That makes a pile of sense to be fair. I’m here ready for war just thinking the song in my brain

You’d go to war marching behind that

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I thought that was well known - horslips just threw a few electric guitars in


The Dubs be schooling the muldoons in trad music now. The Limerick lads will bate their banjos of hate tonight.


Eh. They’ve just ripped of we’re all part of Jackie’s Army

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The uncle who was in Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann, hated the Horslips with a passion. Reckoned they had started out as a traditional folk group, got a bit of a following and then donned the electric guitars and glam clothes when they sniffed a bit of success and left the trad behind them. This was a commonly held view. He was a bitter man all of his life.

I thought the Horslips were great and I still listen to them.


CCE are real traditionalists about trad music (yes yes, surprise surprise says you). I have heard other musicians complain that they will freeze out any musicians that don’t fit with their view of what trad should be and that they stifle innovation. Basically they’re not well liked by musicians outside of their organisation.

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Cce are hard-core volunteers running music classes for beginners all over the country. They are keeping the future of trad alive. I think theyve is lot more in the plus column than the negative to be fair


You’re right there too, those two assesments are not mutually exclusive.