Things I learned today (Part 1)

Roy tweeting his thanks and joy to his fans

Smart move mate. I nearly had you there.

Has he updated his twitter bio? He seems like the type that would.

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Has Gerry Thornley ever won this or has he only ever reached the last 8? Maybe he has won some Dublin regional newspaper awards but flopped on the national stage.


The best WUMs out there

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Maria Bailey’s election replacement, Jennifer Carroll-MacNeill, is 39 and is married to 61 year old ex Irish rugby player, Hugo MacNeill.

there were 19 hugos born in 2001, 3 played in this year’s leinster senior cup semi final…


Hugo’s brother has been providing medical treatment to a close family relative of mine this week

Aren’t Hugo and Michael McDowell first cousins ? @ChairmanDan

Hugo is one of the Irish Illuminati, former director of Goldman Sachs


Would you?

:joy: fantastic

Although unsurprising when you take into account the relatively small % of the population who go to private rugby schools among the general public. And the 100% attendance among the population of Hugo’s


You’d have to

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Big deviant head on Hugo

Looks like a father and daughter tbh


I think it might be safe to say there are daddy issues at play alright.

He looks like he spends his day hunting foxes and voting brexit.

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He p;layed a bit of rugby, so yea, you’re probably not far wrong.

Mick Doyle’s younger womanising certainly rubbed off on the bould Hugo

They both look psychotic.

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