The man fills seats
There’s a good show on Netflix for the missus “Indian Matchmaker”
Some top level winning by Mike Nesmith from the monkees
I’ll not be telling her about that one.
There’s a beach in Cork City.
Human (or our human cousins) were nearly wiped out 70,000 years ago after a super volcano erupted in Indonesia. About 5,000 of us survived globally.
The westernmost part of China is closer to Germany than to the easternmost part of China
Carrigaline compadre: 10 minutes to Myrtleville/ 15 to Roberts cove
There’s a grand beach down by Blackrock castle
Blackrock Castle is a fine spot.
Not sure if it was here I read it but most northern part of Brazil is closer to Canada than it is to the most southern part of Brazil.
The distance between Romania and Chad is less than the distance between Uruguay and Venezuela. A further “Brazil is massive” fact
Brazil is 10% bigger than Australia which i find interesting for some reason
The fifth largest and also fifth most populous country on earth
Indonesia at 4?
On the population front, yes
On the size…
The Greatest Country On Earth
the states surely