Things I learned today (Part 1)

well then why do you book a holiday every year from the 26th to the 31st?


In a normal year this thing is well wrapped up and in bed by early Dec.
However due to employment contracts changing and me being gone for a week early in Dec things didn’t go quite so smoothly this year.

ok, cancel you holiday so.

Ok. Any more questions?

do you want me to tell your missus?

What kind of stuff?

Matt Dillion plays the cop arresting Shane McGowan at the start of the video for fairly tale of NY


Fine pair of legs on her.

She probably wanted to be taken seriously as an intellect or some such.

Looks like that could do with a good code review.

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Paul Newman was James Deans bitch

In 2018, you can re-use calendars from these years:
2007, 2001, 1990, 1979, 1973, 1962, 1951, 1945, 1934, and 1923.


Seems to be binary 6 11 11 6 11 11 6 11 11

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Depends on when the leap years fall. If there’s one within two years, then the gap will be 11.


I’ll dust off my Ireland v England in Croker calendar so.


Beer was illegal in Iceland until 1989.

Tutankhamun died of malaria

1984, 1956 and 1928 also had the same dates as 2018, with the exception of the first two months of those years, as they were leap years.

My party piece is as follows: in a real life setting, and without consulting any calendars, I can tell somebody the day of the week they were born on within 10 seconds of them telling me their date of birth.

The sequence of dates is as follows:

In a World Cup qualifying year, ie. 2017, the next time the dates fall in the same way will be six years later, ie. 2023. Then it’s five years to 2028. Then six to 2034. Then 11 to 2045.

The dates will always be the same 28 years apart - ie. 1989 and 2017 were the same, as are 1990 and 2018. Similarly with 56 and 84 years.

The only exception to this is if the gap crosses the turning of a century, ie, years ending in -00, three in four years of which are not leap years. 2000 however was a leap year, but 1900 and 2100 are not.


What a gloriously useless turn this thread has taken.