Things that annoy you about Ireland

Yeah, nasty business. Mother nature.

See this is why I find it a bit mad

I think they’re insinuating the madra is gonna get it for milling into a couple of sheep, yeah? Sheep that were gonna get it anyway. From an animal who’s instinct is to do that

I find it a bit, I dunno, odd I suppose that a farmer with an understanding of animals would freak his shit for a dog doing what’s kinda natural to them. Is that not the price of having animals? Why is his monetary pain more valuable than Kevs obvious despair at having to put down a loved creature? Would kev not paying up just be enough?

Saying all that - it’s pure ignorance at never having experienced an environment so just questioning really. I don’t and will never understand the rural mind in this regard

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I also found out this week that sheep farmers thrown pups in with a ram young enough to make them afraid of sheep. Had not heard that before.

Got an unbelievable story about 5 farmers arriving in a van out the back of a factory in bantry where a communal field and sheds housed a load of sheep. The workers, many foreign nationals, completely panicked and called the cops. They shot a couple of dogs and had the entire factory under tables and everything. They thought it was a mass shooting. Cops were waiting armed to the teeth when the lads got back up the field.

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Thats it. My responsibility. Harsh fucking lesson.


An absolute cunt of a situation.

Its the fear of it happening again. This dog is an absolute slib with humans. There are several kids going to be very upset about this. I have pictures of her asleep on top of some of my friends kids. But when it comes to that animal instict they will absolutely do it again. i could even see it in her yesterday whining way more than normal to go out. She is usually trying to climb up on the couch with ya.
As Dan says, its nature.

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Ah Kev you’re a mad cunt mostly, but I genuinely feel for you here. It’s obvious you have a deep grá for the animals


Kev has a pet. This man has a business. There is no farmer in the country would allow this to slide no matter their love for animals. Sure this farmer probably has dogs himself. But the farmer probably sick to his stomach over his dead sheep and the scene he faced when he went out to the field

As Kev said himself there, fear of it happening again is the big one.

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Not a fear. A certainty.


Cracking post chief.

What would constitute as a hurling snob in cork?

Someone from who talks about the days past of Ring, Horgan and Fenton and can’t compare to the present.? Or would it be lads from the traditional clubs who are now in decline and resent the rise of new clubs.?

I heard sheep farmers are killing their sheep and Framing dogs it’s the only income for them this time of year


Bite me, you peasant.

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dont be crazy, dont kill your dog

Oh Dear…You must have gotten bitten… Welcome to 2016.

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For fuckes sakes… are you thick or something?
Surely you’re trolling.

Surely not! Trolls on TFK, I can’t believe that.

More cunts in dual clubs that think they deserve more time training than football (isually to cover their own limitations).
Plus what you say. Langers saying there is no skill in football, its gym monkeys etc etc

A decent list Kev.

I think there’s generally an overreaction to the lack of support for domestic football though. Dundalk is a small town, they get about 7% of the town’s population at their home games. That’s a very reasonable return by international standards. The attendances could be much better but when you factor in the number of people actually actively playing the game at junior level and all those attending junior and juvenile games there isn’t an enormous problem.

Ireland does better than the likes of Mexico and Brazil for attendances and roughly the same as the likes of Poland, Croatia and Bosnia. The league isn’t in an unhealthy state and it could be better supported but making a domestic league out of our population will always result in small average attendances.


That’s a great post.

Great list. I would add charity administrators to that list. Nothing but robbing cunts.

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