Things that are right

Romantica is a truly wonderful dessert. Costs a bloody fortune in Spar/Centra/Whathaveyou though.

I cant remember now where I read about the ratings. I havta say the Heffner bit was a bit funny. Robert De Niros face was priceless when the camera went to him during it. The Carrell bit was good as it was made out that Carrell was shunning Ricky but it was all put on as they have did this kind of thing before at awards shows. I suppose with Ricky Gervais is that you are going to either going to like his stuff or absolutely hate his stuff. There is no middle ground.

‘Like’ is a middle ground shan.

I think he was dead right to be honest.

Heard one clip on the radio where he basically called Cruise a queer, didnt seem to go down too well with the audience anyways, whatever about the viewing public.

That is Gervais’s best work since The Office :clap:


Castletown Donkey Derby making the Guardian classic youtube column -

Acc to Norwegian press John Carew’s new tat didnt turn out as planned. Carew wanted ‘my life, my rules’.

What he got was ‘my rules, my menstruation’.


Waking up and switching on the tv this morning and coming across the Victoria secrets fashion show. A good way to start the morning. :smiley:

I’d say you did alright.

Finding a big bunch of receipts for claiming back that you thought you lost.

Ch ching.

You’re such an accountant it’s painful.

Just to point out, before you start jumping to conclusions about my psyche, I did not minus your post there.

You debited it

Hmm. Credit where credits due.

I don’t really know where to post this.

On the way into work today on the Luas, before we approached the Harcourt stop, there are some buildings there which are always subject to graffiti.

One of them said ‘TFK’.


the cheltenham festival

Farmer, could you take a picture of the said graffiti and post it up here please? I’m in the market for an appropriate twitter profile background.


Presuming you mean the 3 day festival of course and not the 4 days of nonsense we have now!

not sure where this should go, but I found it amusing.

Pique is shagging Sahkira too. fair fucks to him.