Things that are right


Was strolling down the road with 2 work colleagues last Friday when I noticed a tough looking cunt walking aggressively towards us. He stopped with arms outstretched as we were passing each other and asked, ‘Here lads, how many days were there in last month?’ ‘30’, one of the lads replied sheepishly. Yer man then said ‘I fuckin’ knew it - thanks lads’ and continued about his business. I thought this was randomly amusing/bizarre and therefore a right thing.

Stephen Patrick Morrissey

“The Queen also has the power to give back the six counties to the Irish people, allowing Ireland to be a nation once again,” Morrissey added. “The fact that she has not done so is fascism in full flow. What else could it be?”

:clap: :guns:

Madam, – Only in the absurd parallel universe that is modern revisionist Ireland could those who fawn over the antiquated, anachronistic, crypto-medievalist institution that is the Windsor monarchy, be able, with a straight face, to describe their opponents as “living in the past”. – Yours, etc,


Peterswell, Co Galway.

:clap: :clap:

[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 164902”]Madam, – Only in the absurd parallel universe that is modern revisionist Ireland could those who fawn over the antiquated, anachronistic, crypto-medievalist institution that is the Windsor monarchy, be able, with a straight face, to describe their opponents as “living in the past”. – Yours, etc,


Peterswell, Co Galway.
:clap: :clap:

Ah different class.

Decent looking ladies from Lesbia pawing and tongueing one another while enjoying a pint in a pub.


English girls called Lucy.

Did you meet an English girl called Lucy? Did you wonder what it would feel like to kiss her, hold her hand and go for walks with her?

Letting out a silent but slow floating fart in a group of colleagues and knowing that the unkempt, large fellow in the group will end up getting the unspoken blame for it.

Not quite mate, anecdotal evidence suggests however that all English girls named Lucy are blonde, hot, whimsical and gamey. Obviously you’re always succeptible to the Black Swan Theory with stuff like this but I can confirm that all English girls called Lucy are cracking.

Karen Carpenters voice. God be good to her

Come in late on the Friday, leave early, long weekend - C’MMAAAANNNNNN!!!

Five month wait for the first one of the year but worth the wait.

Thank you to our troops for this wonderful holiday. We salute you.


“Things that are right” and Tinnion posts a picture of a load of dead soldiers graves.

I appreciate the message could be minconstrued but it’s certainly right how America honors its war dead. Something that’s not possible in Ireland without being accused of being on one side or the other.

Anyway - long weekends :pint: :clap: :barcasmile:

Enjoy the weekend mate.

Tinnion, it’s not a long weekend. You simply have Monday off. The weekend is unaffected. There is no such thing as a long weekend or bank holiday weekend. The bank holiday is invariably on the Monday and should be recognised as such.

Done, any chance you’d edit your post now also?

Cheers mate.


Griffith Avenue Dublin 3 and 9. Drove it twice from east to west today. Mature tree lined avenue. Somehow escaped being despoiled during the Celtic tiger years. A national treasure.

It’s the longest avenue in Europe without a retail unit