Things that are right

Yeah, she couldn’t even keep her balance.

ha ha

Hard to know how real this is. I mean, would Connery really have 007 logo on his letterhead? And didnt he end his own career after TLXG, I mean he didnt even come back for Indiana Jones.

Still, funny if true.


Figures. That Scottish cunt wouldnt turn down easy money I’d say.

I witnessed an amusing moment the other day on the Luas. A lad was listening to his iPod and a bird walked by him to get off. The cable of the headphones got caught in this lady’s bag for a couple of feet and your man was pulled along with it. He tried to quickly release the cable before the lady noticed but alas he couldn’t manage it. She turned around quickly with a look that said ‘what to fuck are you messing with my bag for’ at which point your man had release the cable and muttered some sort of explanation. The bird got off, clearly wondering what was going on and had a few glances back at your man, who by this time had sheepishly returned to his original position with his head bowed.

I, in the meantime, was sniggering away to myself.

permanently startled glenda gilson facing jail theat

Glenda would get it. From Laois stock and all.

CM Punk


I think he removes his helmet later in the interview.

Tracker Bars

Sparring for the first time in 8 years. The first minute was a serious eye opener, but by the end it was brilliant.

Feel super after it.

The Dublin Bay Prawn just turned his fruit of the looms into a fudge factory

Trevor Croly’s stance against racism.

:clap: - well done Trevor

How’s your eye now Kev?

It was ok, it was my mouth ( i had no gum shield) and ear that got the worst of it in the first round, kept dropping my right. Tonight i had a gum shield and fucked away the head gear. Had forgotten how restrictive it is. Boxed 6 rounds tonight, 3 with a long gangly fucker 2 weights above me and another with a Korean 2 weights below me. Very enjoyable.

Thanks for asking.

This stuff


Best wishes on the 4th of July to Flano.

It’s an awesome day. I think I may have to make this a real American day by having Italian food and mexican beer.