Things that are right

Not the seedy story I was hoping for if I’m honestly.

I have plenty of seedy stories. Just none involving Aenghus. Which, I think it’s fair to say, is a good thing.

Disagree, I found them disappointing.

Flano’s new Avatar :lol:

Although i thought he would have went with this guy.

Ah weally, come on now, be sewious, cawwyhawwy. Mac Gwianna is Numbea One.

I one umba % agree with you flanwhoa :lol: :lol: :lol:

Horse meat!


THE remains of Australia’s most famous Irish outlaw, Ned Kelly, are finally to be laid to rest, 132 years after he was hanged for murder.

Post of the year lad. :lol: :clap:

Old episodes of Bullseye :clap:


Here Mac, who are backing in Cheltenham, pal?

[quote=“Mac, post: 165732”]
[/quote]Danielle Moyles.

That’s a fair pair of child bearing hips she has on her

See this is what happens when you hit a certain age Mac, you start look at the child bearing hips and ignoring the fantastic knockers. Its a sad time for all men :frowning:

this alternative view might concentrate Mac’s mind better

That doesn’t answer his question-who is Danielle Moyles? She looks smart.