Things that are right

It’s an open letter - you doofus.


Maybe that’s how father-son relationships evolve down in Laois but not in Italy

A nod and a grunt in your general direction, thats all any sports player wants or needs from his aul fella after a spectacular feat on the field of battle.

Not that pile of ghey wank you posted you big ghey.

Sounds like a cry for help from Bruno.

Sounds like his wife is mortified.

[quote=“myboyblue, post: 859698, member: 180”]A nod and a grunt in your general direction, thats all any sports player wants or needs from his aul fella after a spectacular feat on the field of battle.

Not that pile of ghey wank you posted you big ghey.[/quote]

its no wonder so many GGA players are depressed if they and their parents lack emotional intelligence


The fact that Rebekah Wade’s voicemail was hacked by Mulcaire. :clap:

Denise Richards in ‘Wild Things’. On TCM + 1 now

THE ORGANISERS OF the controversially named club night C.U.N.T. have put together a montage of attendees who think they’re having their photo taken, but who are in fact being filmed.

It is a thing of beauty, mostly thanks to the fact that most of those who feature are of the mirror-loving hipster variety.

Watch as they pout, desperate for the love of the camera, yearning for a flash that will never come.

Bird in the middle at 1:15 :clap:

A Swedish radio station organised a wake up call early this morning for the Portuguese team ahead of tonights game. Hope it works!

What does the lad say at the end of the video?

He copped the gag

+1. See through shirt, black bra :clap:

[If she’s below the age of consent I retract the above statement]

Also Ross Geller from the 80s flashbacks in Friends at 1:28.

Just heard on the radio there that the EU is giving protection to the humble Waterford Blaa. Accept no substitutes.

Ffs sakes. Financial crisis and democratic deficit and theyre worried about a fucking bap

It’s not a bap.

[quote=“myboyblue, post: 859698, member: 180”]A nod and a grunt in your general direction, thats all any sports player wants or needs from his aul fella after a spectacular feat on the field of battle.

Not that pile of ghey wank you posted you big ghey.[/quote]

Pretty obvious why you crave attention on here if that’s the kind of relationship you had with your old lad growing up.