Things that are right

A big bowl of raspberries and strawberries with unwhipped cream poured on too

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Drew Barrymore

I love that women. :gift_heart:

Strange one. I’ve heard him speak a couple of times and always thought he was slightly evasive about what happened the night he fell out the window. Obviously was watching what he said due to this impending case.

A bit cuntish is it not?

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Seems very much so.
I wonder is he suing the friends directly or is he suing their home insurance?

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Would the friends not then be entitled to any earnings he has made as a result of his condition and associated achievements?

That’s what I was thinking when I read it earlier. It’s not their fault he’s blind.

Maybe if they had blinds he wouldn’t have fallen out.


[quote]But she agreed that, “with hindsight”, she wished she had closed the window.
The tearful 42-year-old added: “I was constantly going through in my mind if there was anything I could have done to prevent the accident.”[/quote]

she ways she wished she closed the window, and then is wondering if there was anything she could have done to prevent it? FFS.

Not offer the fucker a bed for the night after his regatta would have been something else she could have done.

Had he been drinking?

actually, another quote of hers:

so it seems there was a lot of fucking things she could have done to prevent it, but was constantly going through her mind if there was anything she could have done to prevent it.

It’s a strange case all the same.

I’d say he was blind drunk.


Ended up legless anyways


I was going to say earlier he was blinded by rage, but I felt a bit sorry for the fucker.

Paralytic drunk



Especially working in a place full of sound, helpful people where a good, friendly atmosphere is something the top brass strive for and are proud of. Funnily enough it makes you want to do an excellent job and gladly do anything extra if needs be.

I’m going to go back and see my old boss, who was running an office 1/4 of the size and give the full Ricky Roma to Williamson treatment.

I’m very very happy.


Well done Thraw. How long do you give yourself until you’re bored of it?

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30 years? I go in, do the job, get paid and then I’ll be off to do things like go to band practice, twice a week now, take the lady out, provide for my kid, pay for my chiropractic treatment to get back running, crush it in the gym with the brother, go to the flicks…

A depressed man unhappy in his job generally wants to do none of these things and I’d never get bored of them.

If you get me. Fuck it, I’m bored of the actual work already. Ain’t bored of thinking what I’m going to do with that lithe, black whore next weekend.


An exuberant Sir Geoffrey Boycott commentating on Test Match Special as England rip through the Australian batting order in an Ashes test match.