Things that are right

You would buy meat in Lildi?


I see that Kiely cretin Project X is on the point of being run off the forum given his latest meltdown as he has lost control of his functions.

Admins, please deliver a mercy killing to this mongoloid that I exposed some time ago and had hunted from the Forum last week.

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A happy woman.

Smelling an 18 year old’s perfume off yourself when you get home after a night out. Up the RA.

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Pm on Facebook to oz informing someone how youve moved on and dont need her and her weather beaten gowl anyway now youve got 18 year old pountang on tap… Sending…


You creepy bastard.


Doesn’t sound like you’ve moved on much. The weather beaten gowl is probably laughing her hole off at you now.


I hope that’s a euphemism. If any woman had her gowl exposed to the elements long enough for that to occur, you’d have to wonder about her intentions in life.


Agree rating

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Weather beaten? Used you bring the thunder?! Good man!

Ah here sid, i never touched her man. Sid. Put down the shotgun. Sid.

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Fitzy missing the point of a post as per usual.


The new GAA centre of excellence beside the national aquatic centre in blanchardstown.

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Excellent location to practice their diving, I suppose.

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Up ya boy ya

The all weather pitch is quality Taz but I haven’t drove into it since January. Have they added much to it?

You have us mixed up with Tyrone.

They are still working on a couple of pitches. Floodlights and a stand have been added. It must piss the FAI off having to drive past it each day.:grinning:

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why is that mate?

why do the gga need a centre of excellence

Irish boxer takes a Turkish mob and wins.