Things that are right

:rollseyes: no shit, dickhead.

Oh I see. When it’s pointed out to you you know all about it. Typical fucking eejit. Jog on you fool.

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FAO of @feck_it. I refer you to exhibit A…likebait

15 likes and counting for a picture of a dog. You bastards disgust me.


Fuck sake.lads liking a pic of a strangers dog


Thanks fran. However im still not there…

But its soooooooooo cute hun!!!

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Yeah. You’d have to wonder why I shoehorned that phrase in there though. And @Bandage you can go fuck yourself for liking braz’s reply. You should know better than that.

You can wonder all you like about it. I know a fool when I see one.

It’s not even a real dog.

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@TheUlteriorMotive will you be bringing your new rodent into the office for showsies on Monday, kid?

You would have got a like for a photo of your fixie.

The puppy is changing my life in ways I never thought possible

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Post up a picture of a Fixie mate.
I’d like the shit out of that.

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Maurice Fitz to manage his Club in an All Ireland in Croke Park. A chance for one more run out for the great man perhaps…


I haven’t seen them in action but apparently they’ve the great man’s stamp all over them. A free flowing, long passing style.

I think I’ll mosey down to the finals if I’ve nothing else on that night.

should be brought in around Limerick


Its the one thing that drives me fucking mad. That and smoking in the school yard while waiting for the bell to go off.