Things that are right

What would his legal fees be running to at this stage? Ballpark-figure??

Art, pal.

I don’t think you understand the appeal Lowry has to people of so many different demographics in Tipperary. Although i would have serious reservations about his personal affairs, many people regard him highly because he gets things done for them. When i say people, its not just wealthy business people as his clinics seem to draw people from all walks of life.
The above in itself is the reason i probably won’t vote, as to vote for any cunt going for election is only voting for your own patch which is what is wrong with Irish politics. National issues and ability to help the national cause is what General Elections should be about, not Party politics.

But as i said, Lowry works the patch of Tipperary better than any other candidate standing. Others will do well in either North or South as the boundary was before but Lowry has an appeal all over the County. He hasn’t got that appeal for being an unhelpful well thought of cunt.


Amazing, there’s some bit of justice left in the country.

Couple of mill for the tribunal I would have thought at the very least

Yates was saying the other day that there are people in Tipp that have waiting their whole lives to vote for Lowry. Fucking hell it doesn’t say a lot for the other politicians in Tipp.

The thing I despise about this carry on is that for every person this cunt Lowry shoves up a waiting list for housing, speech therapy, whatever it is some other poor bastard who has been waiting in line all his life gets shoved down the other side. It’s no wonder that every fucking public service in the country is riddled with waiting lists when you have cunts like this wasting everyone’s time writing fucking letters that have to be answered. The amount of manpower that is wanted in the public service because the officials have to pander to these cunts is unreal.



As I said around the time Healy Rae died, people give out about fools electing these fellas, but if you want something done they’ll do it for you. They are great local representatives. They have political machines unlike anything seen elsewhere in the country.

The problem isn’t the likes of Lowry it’s the system that allows him to intervene on peoples behalf that’s the problem.

That said Lowry is the worst sort of cunt in politics in this country.

Fuck off.

The problem is the likes of Lowry and other apes.

I’ll fight you

It says something about Paddies that we’d need a ‘system’ in place to stop politicians from being horrible dishonest cunts so that the voters then wouldn’t feel they had to reward them at the polls for being horrible disgusting dishonest back scratching cunts.

We must be the only Banana Republic with shite weather. We really are an awful shower of cunts as a nation.

but what is lowry as an example supposed to do that would make him a ‘good’ politician? he is irrelevant is at national level. not defending him but he is simply a bi product of the system. a system that has heaps of fucking parliament members who have no role.

there should be 8 tds max for munster, we need no more than 50 nationally to get shit sorted. everyone outside of this is a lurcher, an opportunist and a spiv.
id love to be a non government TD in a rural area to compliment my business interests. id give every small time gombeen cunt what he wants and id make big noise doing it. every cunt would lap me up and i could make a fortune out of it while i employ a good man to run my business affairs.


It’s a good point. In the UK there are approx 650 MPs to represent a population of 50 million . And they have plans to reduce the number. Applying that logic to Ireland with 4 million people approx we’d only need about 50 odd.

they not far wrong here, no wonder alcoholism, prostitution and depression is rife in Ireland

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Any simpleton who takes note of these polls needs their head checked. A new one comes out each week staing the oppisite to the last one.

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Town on a Saturday morning again.

Tower records - lovely chat with the assistant about our shared love of all things Krautrock

Across the road to Hodges Figgis picked up a book of Transit Maps of the World.

Back for my usual Saturday morning cappuccino in Brewbakers. Asked the girl about those rumours about them selling shonky food. She said that was just some cunt of a culchie from Ringsend spreading rumours, in her best Polish accent. I was satisfied with the explanation. Read the Indo while I was there. Lovely article in the Review section on what a dud the Ray D’Arcy show on the telly is. Listed all his gaffs. Brendan O’Connor was getting higher ratings. Ray says it’s too early to judge him, see how he’s doing after five years says he. :smile:

All in all a lovely morning in town. Out to Howth then for the fish for the dinner and home.



I have the christening of a good friends boy later. Great for 2 reasons as he nearly didn’t make it and this group rarely gets together.

Morning spent cleaning the house and catching up on paperwork with the dog on the couch. Gym next. Walk then. Food. Pints.


You can’t beat a good Saturday morning.

a small bit of work to get done now and then off to watch Wexford lose to the Dubs in the hurling but we’ll be happy and optimistic if it is at least a good display.

Out on the town then, keep your materialism it’s the little things that make up life.

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100%. Its all about the basics.

Do the basics well and you will succeed.

Same in work, sport & life.

the independent saying independent journalist and luvvie was a better tv presenter than non independent journalist


Except in sport, question your coach on every aspect of every suggestion he makes.