Things that are right



Any sign of Fingal Raven returning? :wink:

The Dude has an Oscar, right.

The headlines on Teamtalk this morning

[i]Happy JT emerges from Hurt Locker

Cesc’s Porto chances Up in the Air

DM: Art show An Education in class

Serious Man Rio focused on United

Ras: Bhoys can come up Blind Side[/i]

Aahhh,far out man, far fucking out :clap:

[quote=“myboyblue, post: 164342”]
The Dude has an Oscar, right.

[/quote]The Dude Abides , :clap: :clap:

Mickey Rourke, legend.

Forget Ashley Cole, his behaviour has nothing on a film star. WAGs get an easy time - they should try living with Hollywood hellraisers. I once spent a weekend in the UK and had 14 women in one night. British footballers have got nothing on us when it comes to women. If you WAGs knew what Hollywood’s stars get up to you’d think you were married to pussycats

Is it possible the 14 women thought he was infact a woman himself with the Pete Burns stlye look he has now?

This is epic. A confused Millwall supporter wondering what’s up with ticketing arrangements for the Charlton game. Stick with it:

great stuff. the thread has 359,000 views. we’d have no problem with new reg’s if some idiot launched a thread over here that hit that kind of popularity.


That is brilliant! The efforts to explain it to him are hilarious!

I was wondering where WhiskeyInTheJar had got to…

Richard Harris in The Field

The GAA’s new look website

Feckin class-archive of all results, all competitions, Coaching resources, videos, everything :clap:

Fuckin hell thats a right job, some amount of work gone into that! :clap:

Thats the afternoon gone so…

Its a massive improvement, fair play.

Well done Pink.
Great work

Pity about the steamer you gave the front page to tho’

Fair play


  1. It’s about 5 years too late
  2. It better be kept up-to-date