Things that are right

Moderating powers…

:clap: :clap: :clap:

A showpiece rugby football final with live commentary provided by the peerless Fred Cogley.

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Tainted love. Immense.

:smiley: :smiley:

Ancillary characters in Coen Brothers movies

Tha Dane and Johnny Caspar.
Big Dan Teague and Pappy O Daniel.
Jesus Quintana and Uli the nihilist.
(add your own as ye see fit)
And the latest, Clive Park and Sy Ableman.

Can’t remember his name but Mike something from Fargo - Marge’s friend from school

Don’t think he even had a name, but the guy in the gas station William Forsythe holds up in Raising Arizona

“These blow up into funny shapes at all?”
“Well no, not unless round is funny”

Baby Face Nelson from O Brother Where Art Thou, the CIA boss from Burn After Reading, and Bret from the Big Lebowski are others that were memorable.

That said, Jesus and Liam are still my favourites by a long way. The most hilarious pairing I think I’ve ever seen in any movie.

Not working a weekend for the first time since mid-January and having 6 episodes of Football Weekly podcasts to catch up on. It’s going to be a good day.

this fucker getting a visit to ol sparky

Paul Warner Powell, 31, was executed tonight in the state of Virginia. He had lost his appeals and been denied clemency by Gov. Robert McDonnell. He was pronounced dead at 9:09 p.m and had no last words.

Powell was executed in the 102 year old oak armchair in the Greensville Correctional Center in Jarratt, Va.
He had been on death row for just over a decade after his first death sentence was overturned. At that time he wrote a letter bragging to the prosecutor about how he “beat him”.
Paul Warner Powell Executed: Bragged Of Murder and Rape

Paul Warner Powell, 31, chose the electric chair over lethal injection, perhaps wanting to flex his manly muscles one last time. Perhaps he was simply afraid of needles—most cowards are. And Paul Warner Powell was a coward.

In 1999, Powell, a white supremacist, was upset that one of his friends, 16 year old Stacie Reed was dating a black man. Long story short, he surprised her in her own home, raped her, stabbed her in the heart, slit her throat, then ’stomped’ on her face and throat until she was dead.
He then waited on her 14 year old sister to arrive home , raped and stabbed her, leaving her for dead after slitting her throat multiple times.

Paul W. Powell was found guilty for his crimes and sentenced to death, but the death sentence was overturned. Powell believed he was safe from ‘double jeopardy’ and began writing taunting, bragging letters to the prosecutor and others about what really happened that awful day. He wrote of things only the killer and forensics would know.

Below are excerpts of what Powell wrote to Prosecutor Paul Ebert, dated October 21, 2001.

here’s the letter he wrote to the DA, it’s fairly harrowing so i’ve put it in spoilers

[spoiler] “Mr. Ebert,

“Since I have already been indicted on first degree murder and the Va. Supreme Court said that I can’t be charged with capital murder again, I figured I would tell you the rest of what happened on Jan. 29, 1999, to show you how stupid all of y’all m****** F****** are.

“Y’all should have known that there is more to the story than what I told by what I said. You had it in writing that I planned to kill the whole family. Since I planned to kill the whole family, why would I have fought with Stacie before killing her? She had no idea I was planning to kill everybody and talked and carried on like usual, so I could’ve stabbed her up at any time because she was unsuspecting.

We continued talking when she had everything in the wash and I reached over and touched her tit and asked if she wanted to fuck. She said no, because she had a boyfriend.

“I started arguing with her because she had never turned anybody down because of having a boyfriend.

“We started walking upstairs, arguing the whole time. When we got upstairs we went to her room and she turned the radio off. After she turned the radio off I pushed her onto her bed and grabbed her wrists and pinned her hands down by her head and sat on top of her. I told her that all I wanted to do was **** her and then I would leave and that we could do it the easy way or the hard way.

“She said she would **** me so I got up. After I got up, she got up and started fighting with me and clawed me face. We wrestled around a little and then I slammed her to the floor. When she hit the floor I sat on top of her and pinned her hands down again. She said she would **** me and I told her that if she tried fighting with me again, I would kill her.

“She tried to get out of the room again and I pushed her back and pulled out my knife. I guess she thought I was just trying to scare her and that I wouldn’t really stab her because she tried to leave again.

“When she got to me and tried to squeeze between me and the door jam I stabbed her. When I stabbed her, she fell back against the door jam and just looked at me with a shocked look on her face.

“When I pulled the knife out she stumbled a couple steps and fell in her sister’s room. I walked over and looked at her. I saw that she was still breathing so I stepped over her body and into the bedroom. Then I put my foot on her throat and stepped up so she couldn’t breath. Then I stepped down and started stomping on her throat. Then I stepped back onto her throat and moved up and down putting more pressure to make it harder to breathe.

“When I didn’t see her breathing anymore, I left the room and got some iced tea and sat on the couch and smoked a cigarette. You know the rest of what happened after that point.

“I would like to thank you for saving my life. I know you’re probably wondering how you saved my life, so I’ll tell you.

“You saved my life by fucking up. There were 2 main fuck-ups you made that saved me. The first was the way you worded my capital murder indictment. The second was the comment you made in your closing argument when you said we won’t know because he won’t tell us.

“One more time, thank you! Now y’all know everything that happened in that house at 8023 McLean St. on Jan. 29, 1999.

“I guess I forgot to mention these events when I was being questioned. Ha Ha! S**e![/spoiler]

Ian Huntley getting his throat slit in prison.

When did this happen? What condition is he in?

It’s not life threatening according to sky news.

Good to see that Obama’s healthcare bill passed in the States. The republican opposition groups really are a despicable bunch of animals though. Political dissent is always welcome, but the manner in which these people conducted themselves was subhuman. Great to see ignorance fail every now and then.

Actua Soccer

Fuck off!!!

How did that make headline news over here?

Who gives a fuck really?

I’m shocked Farmer. Shocked.

Me, and every media publication in Ireland, the UK, and mainland Europe for a start

Drunken Homer Simpson