Things that are right

Buying gadgets in the two euro shop

Well, one fella came close. Went by the name of Homer. Seven feet tall he was, with arms like tree trunks. His eyes were like steel: cold, hard. Had a shock of hair, red, like the fires of Hell.


His recollection of the party is brilliant

Matt Reilly’s Butterfly Buns. A cracking little evening treat.

did you ever try his fruity squares Rock?

they come in packs of 8

thankfully not 10’s or more

I find chocolate macaroons to be an exquisite delight

Binyamin Netanyahu humiliated after Barack Obama ‘dumped him for dinner’

My instinctive reaction would be that this is very much an Israeli PR stroke. Firstly, the vague references to the source of the story. Second, it’s in the Times, which would not stop supporting Israel if they shot every child in the West Bank by rota. Finally, it shifts the focus of the failed talks onto Obama’s actions, when the reality Bibi’s government is held together by religious fanaticism, and ethnic cleansing of the pals is only the first step.

On that point you should have a look at this documentary sid. I had no idea how much the out and out religious psychopaths were at the heart of the Israeli government until I watched this

The clocks going back,its right.

New pillows , its like sleepin in the clouds so tis . :slight_smile:

Bating Kildare


the times got the right journalist to write an expose on the vatican sex abuse cover up

“I try not to go out so much and I can’t do certain things now. But it’s not so bad. I still drink my Guinness. I don’t drink vodka or anything else. Just Guinness.” - Usain Bolt.

I thought this sort of gombeen irish bullshit was dead.

“Oh sure, isn’t it mighty altogether that the big famous man does drink the black stuff”

Had you not put it under a topic called ‘things that are right’ it would have been an interesting point, but an Irish person in this day and age thinking it’s brilliant that some celebrity drinks guinness is just pathetic. Time you washed the buttermilk out of your hair and the cowshit out of your ears buddy.

I was thinking about cutting back on my Guinness consumption to get fit. But it appears I’ve been doing it all wrong. I’ll have to increase my levels of intake. Cheers Pikeman :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint:


Just shows ya even though the country might be going down the swanny in a lot of ways there’s still some things we do brilliantly as a nation! To Guinness and Ireland!


Hup ourra dat.
Mup mup.
Ya hoo ya divil ya.