Things That Are Wrong

Actually I think that’s the place I was in… I was just browsing from shop to shop with the misses and not really taking stock. An utter cunt of a place and the fooks that work there are gonna have lung problems from inhaling those pissy fumes all day every day.

[quote=“Fagan ODowd, post: 102340”]Abercrombie and Fitch.

A shop run by and for Irelands most despised ethnic minority. White middle class Dubliners.

Anyway a friend heard that I was going into town and asked would I do her a turn and buy a hoodie from Abercrombie for her nephew. How hard could that be? Little did I know.

I got to the shop at about 12 and made to effect an entrance. You can’t go in says some lad with a Blackrock accent and dressed like a farm hand out of Oklahoma. What, I said. There’s a queue. A queue to get into the shop.

I didn’t want to disappoint the lady, so I joined the queue and eventually made it into the shop about 12.30, by now in a black humour. The lad who had stopped me had now morphed into some class of a Californian geebag and says to me How YOU doing as I go in the door. How the fuck do you think I’m doing I said after standing out in the cold for half an hour. Then there was another geebag in the foyer with his shirt wide open showing off that he was an airhead who spends most of his time looking in the mirror.

It was pitch dark inside and it stank of cheap perfume. I felt my way round in the dark, found a hoodie and made for the cash desk. Here I encountered another half hour queue. Another female employee dressed like a farm hand brushed passed me and says in a Californian accent Whassup. I’ll tell you what’s up I said. I’m after losing an hour queuing in this god forsaken kip. It’s pitch dark, it smells like the Folies Bergere and all the staff think they are from Santa Barbara. Have a nice day says your wan.[/quote]

Terrific stuff Fagan.

the shit we will have to listen about Paudie O Shea over the coming week


Well said.

Another “edgy” post from mickee

Found this on a bar tonight.

Shitehawkery of the highest order. Shannonsider, enter some thoughtful quote about people leaving our shores here.

Bar51. Ffs sake. Where the fuck is that?

Feel sorry for anyone employed in a pub around the Baggot Street area tonight. A Leinster home game plus retards doing the 12 pubs - a cunt fest of epic proportions.

As I said, shitehawkery of the highest order. Some lad called Fionn or Fiachra told me that if I went to Birchalls tomorrow he’ll have a box of Saracens jersies to hand out. I told him to fuck off cos I’m not into chocco mices kind of male relations.

Between Smyths and Cloughbawn

:lol: :lol: ,the 12 pubs of Christmas…the first time i ever heard of this shit was 2 Years ago but it seems to be growingon people which is a worry,luckily lists or rules like The Faggot mile havent crept in around Kilkenny yet…

I had around a dozen hot whiskies in the spots last night while playing a few hands of 30s,there wasnt a fuckin bother on me after em. :pint:

yes- people/places from an English background like KK are more reserved

You’ve been picking away lately, whatever your issue is you’d want to get over it or I’ll end you.

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 102372”]

You’ve been picking away lately, whatever your issue is you’d want to get over it or I’ll end you.[/quote]

You wouldn’t end nothing mate, in fairness, only a bumfest

I’ll put your Christian name up here for all to see if you keep going.

:clap: :clap:

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 102374”]

I’ll put your Christian name up here for all to see if you keep going.[/quote]

Everyone knows who I am already mate

[quote=“Mac, post: 102376”]

Everyone knows who I am already mate[/quote]

Choco owns you pal.

The Serie A thread: 15 pages long, about 12 of them are IBD talking to himself. Probably while shaving and admiring his olive skin and cheekbones!


Everyone nose I own him…