Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

I’m sitting out the back having a few beers and I can hear at least 2 different lads cutting meadows in the distance @KinvarasPassion @anon67715551 @Ambrose_McNulty


I took an impromptu day off work and tfking to spend the afternoon paddle boarding in the sea and sun. Jesus it was magnificent


Hope you had some kind of cream. It hit 30 here today with a cloudless sky. Even worse while in water thinking you don’t need anything.

P20 maxed up.

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Just bought a paddle board yesterday. Set up the appropriate members group.

Pfd or no pfd, that is the question

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I had no pfd today but I was very cautious as a result. Pfd can impart a false sense of security.

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Kayaks and paddle boards seem to be all the rage

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There you have it, a lad of ten able to run more cattle than half the lads on here, and they making out it’s pure hardship.

He even left the veil slip @TreatyStones “I thought you’d just put them in the field and feed them, but there’s more to it than that” he forgot he’d have to count them as well obviously.

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The mullet being back in fashion

roasters mistaking fashion for style will always lead to these aesthetic faux pas

There’s a few sheepdogs at work here now in the fields below our holiday house, one of them in particular is an absolute whizz, you’d put down a few hours watching him in action


An odd evening there’s sheep dog trials/competitions on in a field I go past on the way home. I always pull in and watch. It’s a great thing to see

Lough Ree is like the Ozarks this summer.


Offaly beating Dublin in U20 football.

Fair play to these lads


The Syrians Ted, a great bunch of lads

How did you get on yesterday?

Didn’t go well at all. Took an easy pace as it was so warm but after about 9/10km the heat got to me. Legs were absolutely fine and I was staying hydrated but body felt crap. Was walking a lot of really runnable sections. Turns out I probably got some form of heat exhaustion/ heat stroke. Puked three times coming home. Straight to bed when I got back :joy:.


You should have done the night one :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: