Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

Apparently that was very warm too. There was a delay at start of race by nearly an hour. We were told three minutes before it started. I’d say waiting around for an hour in sun beforehand didn’t help. Also made it an extra hour since I had eaten.

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Start delayed by 1 hour ?? WTAF?
I’d have tipped on. F that

Someone started sweeping course too early. Markings had been taken down :see_no_evil:


I’m surprised some of the lads who would have been pucking a sliothar around Times Square haven’t shown up to entertain the locals in Germany’s flood ravaged towns.
If the Euros had been on there and Ireland were in it, the lads who helped change the spare wheel for the French woman would come in very handy now.

Have you suffered a knock to the head mate?

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Was watching them at it Saturday outside Leenane. Incredible. You’d easily spend your day watching them dogs in action

Come home to my.mutt then and the bitch barely answers to her name!

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Don’t blame the dog. Blame the teacher.

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Always the arrow, never the Indian

Must be some basement



panzer would be worth a fair few quid

I think it’s a bitty one that was cobbled together from scrap, the army broke some components on the front of it when dragging it out of your man’s house. It was a runner and he would take it for a Sunday drive sometimes. The odd thing is that the army painted it and did a lot of maintenance work on it for the owner, it wasn’t a secret or anything. A strange circumstance.

The owner apparently has all the bits to make another one and is in the process of doing just that

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An oul torpedo could come in handy.

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Torpedoed is an oft forgotten dinger. For context you could say Waterford/Mayo torpedoed Galway’s title ambitions last weekend. Sorry for bringing that up but you’ll knock use out of it later on when (insert team) implode.

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I’ll torpedo you you bolox


Just syringed my own ears there. The hearing hadn’t been great. Jaysus you’d want to see the lumps that came out.


The poor bastards at the match last week behind you. It’s not a trilby you need but a ushanka

Would you believe I have a ushanka.

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