Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

+1 on all of that

The first one is definitely a C then I think the next one is a U I can barely make out the next one. Is it an N?

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+0.25 ?

Went from -1.25 which I had for about 15 years to -1. Sure I barely need them. Only use them for distance. Your man said that happens quite a bit. You get them in your late teens or early 20s (20 in my case) and it starts improving when you get round the 40. Until you need the reading glasses…

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I got the laser done over 10 years ago. Need reading glasses now.

Your man said to me he wouldn’t recommend the laser. Said I’d only be correcting problems that don’t currently exist.

Ah yeah at -1.25 you wouldn’t have needed it

Another fad that failed you

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Crusty eyes TUM

Sigh. More @Mac mindless musings.

Amongst the Best things I ever did.

Laser cures short sightedness. It worked wonderfully. I’ll not need glasses for anything else except to read or, shudder, bi-focals.

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There’s no reformer Pilates for the ocular muscles.

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Have we no expert on TFK for matters ocular?

My lad just put Bosch on Amazon prime for his granny. I just heard him telling her he knew his way round LA.
“How do you know that?” asked granny.
“GTA” replied the lad, entirely seriously. :slightly_smiling_face:


Bosch is excellent

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You pay a premium over Zanussi but I’ve always found it worth it alright.


I managed to get a quiet moment of your test there from the Specsaver site.
You’re keeping well thank God…

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GTA is better

Grand Theft Auto Gta GIF

Bi focals went out with fax machines. It’s all varifocals now.

You could have pulled the auld Polish eyetest joke:

“Can you read the first line Mr O’Dowd?”


“Jeez she done well at the Olympics”

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