The Olympics (particularly 2012)
Terrible summer television
All the talk about how Sunderland will do in the EPL next season
Talking to people in work tomorrow.
Random fooks complaining about how difficult it is to get tickets to GAA games.
Checking my current account and credit card balances online in about 5 minutes.
Sleeping with farmer’s frumpy sister after the Leitrim-Wexford league game next Spring.
My soul destroying place of work
Catching a dose off Bandage’s easy sister after said game next Spring hi5
Going to work tomorrow and having to be civil to coonts.
Paying off my credit card
Big Brother chat around the office :’(
My next hangover
Waking up tomorrow
- Telling Tinnion he’s dropped from the Astro team
- The outrage on the huddleboard after Celtic lose their first pre-season game in Switzerland
Watching Wexford hurlers lose an All Ireland Quarter Final by a margin in excess of 10 points.
Watching Wexford footballers lose a Leinster Semi Final to Laois in a game they should have won.
Watching the Ireland soccer team finish 3rd in their qualifying group finishing only marginally behind a poor Czech side and lamenting how the fook we lost in Cyprus.
Watching Munster any time they play rugby.
Listening to Munster supporters going on about rugby for the 3 days straddling each Heineken Cup game but having absolutely nothing to say about their Magner’s League matches.
The urge to go out on Friday night when I really shouldn’t!
getting fat
getting no herbie hide at the weekend
having a shower
getting up off my fat hole in the next 4 hours
leaving my house to go to work tomorrow morning
coming back to my smelly shithole of a house tomorrow evening
walking out of work on friday evening delighted at the thought of no work for 2 days only to waste it all in drunken blur and sober up on sunday evening with the thought of going back to work the next morning
seeing some fat bird on the way to work wearing a summery dress and displaying far too much pasty white flesh
seeing a hot bird not displaying enough
hearing my electronic tag beeping when i walk within 100 yards of a playground
receiving official confirmation of my childhood adoption
Some positives in there if you look hard enough.
Shit happens - it’s how you react to it that counts.
I’d probably advise not cleaning it up and leaving it for the fat bird who wouldn’t put out to clean up.