Those of dubious character

They say if you want to get something done then go to a busy person. But for a doctor Iā€™d prefer to see a bit of organisation.

Thatā€™s why Iā€™m asking I suppose. My immediate impression was functioning alcoholic.

Letā€™s say theyā€™re due to perform a delicate procedure on you.

Get a naggin inside you and youll be grandā€¦


Very often the consultant is just the front man. When you get into the operating theatre heā€™s nowhere to be seen. His team are on the job being of every possible age, sex, race and creed.

I wonā€™t say how many times Iā€™ve been in an OT but I think only once Iā€™ve seen the actual consultant gowned up.

Book cover etc

Full house?

Im sure sex changes are pretry straightforward these days, youā€™ll be grand


Too busy saving lives to go clothes shopping

Overly polished fuckers would worry me more.

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A reasonable point if heā€™s going to stick a dirty finger up your jacksy.

I know its an easy one and we all rejoice in it but @glasagusban is just doing whats right. Any man who enters his forties wiyhout having a camera shoved up his hole is playing fast and loose with his hoop health.

Wrong thread

Caoimhin Kelleher

He should be long gone out of Liverpool.


@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy had his number a long time ago

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A dud

Sarah Adair, fucking hell :joy:


Iā€™m no fan of Rashford but what a geebag.

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She went to town on him. Clown.

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