Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

You can be sure of it :ronnyroar:


Fair play to them i say,i usually switch over if they come on all the same.

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I’m not watching tonight but I know from living with elite rowers that their lives won’t involve taking a half dozen yokes in some warehouse in Bermondsey of a Sunday morning so it’s not to everybody’s taste. But they seem like decent lads so I’m looking forward to watching it back.

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+1. They seem like nice chaps and I suppose its good they have a bit of personality but I personally find them cringeworthy to listen to

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I doubt any "elite"athlete would be taking yokes anywhere

Just come across as grand country boys really. They don’t take themselves too serious

I just think they are taking the piss tbh. This whole shtick is just a laugh to them

Exactly but each to their own,at least they dont start every sentence with “i suppose”.

whats not to like?

the disgusting crossover rob heffernan/sean og o halpin type accent?
the “I love shpuds” schtick
hamming up the roaster routine


Yeah very annoying when someone slots into character and hams the fuck out of it.

BTW how did Fintan get on over the xmas


They seem like decent lads but that TV show was the most boring thing I’ve ever watched.

:ronnyroar: oooooooooffffttttt

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I only caught the last ten minutes, but was there a hint of some seriously unresolved shit between themselves and the father?

Big time. Parents are separated or divorced as well I think but was no mention of that last nt. They said in show that they told father they didn’t want him coaching them anymore when they were in their teens that they wanted this Dominic lad. The old man didn’t take it great I’d say

Do rugby league players count as elite athletes?

first time seeing “Ireland’s fittest family” christ this is embarrassing, Like Irish radio, Irish TV is crap

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Jesus the RTE sports quiz is fucking comically awful

Not seeing many posts about Celebrity Home of the Year for some reason. Are they on another thread or something?

I’d no issue with the winner but the show really need to make the judging criteria clearer for us. Are we judging interiors only? Do we consider architectural decisions and extensions? Is the quality of view a factor? Is it really fair to compare a 1960s semi-d with a Martello Tower with Fingal island views?

Thought Pope was weakest. Not a bad effort but that red lounger in the living room encroached too much on the living space. Too many strong reds too.

Apartment was fine but not much to judge on. Nicely decorated but that’s it.

Martello Tower library was spectacular (as were the views) but the outside was shabby and the flat roof extension was an eyesore.

Two Victorian houses were strongest and couldn’t really fault either as a winner.

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The ould lad judge is a gent.

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I’m watching the Irish Country Music Awards on RTE1. I love Lisa McHugh.

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