Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

The water is MOVING in the pictures!

I feel I can do anything.

I feel ready for the world.

A lovely tradition.

Just catching up on rewind… The Princess mother put me onto this 5 years ago.

A great woman.

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Gustav is having an absolute ball on that stage.

Lovely to see.

Far from that you were reared etc.

Life is about growth, mate. You should try it.


Not knocking it at all. In fact I’m sitting here with a double espresso after a lunch of Thai fish cakes with a habenero salsa. Far from that I was reared.

E.T is starting on RTE 1. Get the kids on-board.


7 year old has never seen it, watching it now


fools and horses on gold. the bottled water one…fucking brilliant

Did your 7 year old phone home?

she loved it bud :clap:

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MTV classic now. 80s heaven for anyone interested

Sherlock back tonight ladies at 8.30 BBC 1

The casting of Amanda Abbington as Mary in Sherlock was a disaster from the off, and proven last night in The 6 Thatchers. A dreadful actress, plainly not suited to the role. Nepotism at its worst.


Sickening leftist propaganda from the BBC.

Sherlock stopped being good years ago. I find it incredibly boring now, mycroft is the only good thing in it.
Elementary with sick boy as sherlock is far better.

It was a load of bollox last night.