Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

I would highly doubt he is. Moat of them are half wits that end up in prison sharing there grizzley stories whilst planning to take over the world.

Darndale today

He would have been shot dead in most other countries. Running at an armed cop and trying to take his gun.

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They should have riddled the bastard.


Aint that the truth.

Great decoy manoeuvre while his buddy escaped out the back with the stash

Is it a gun though?

The fella hanging out the window with a device in his hands would have been shot as well


Not sure if this has been posted elsewhere. The cunts should be hung by their balls


Shooting in Finglas. Victim shot twice. Reports are that both survived.

Shooter definitely listened to advice and stayed at least 2 meters away.

So much for bonhomie.

Best wishes to Andy Goram in his recovery.


That’s a populist gibe

Populist? Huh?

That’s a populist response

I think this is a hoax.

Is that you or the other Andy?

Clayton Lynch apparently

Safety first