Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead



But no relation I assume?

In this thread, and that cryptic I’d assume otherwise


You assume wrong

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Pipe bomb under Mago’s car! Very strange after Dowdall yesterday.

Coolock is mental today. A bomb under a car, some lunatic around the corner climbed up on a roof of a house and was threatening to jump off and then a child got knocked down running out from the playground close by.

Loads of Garda, fire brigade’s and then ambulances.

Once there weren’t undertakers with hearses things aren’t critical yet.

Sound like a normal day in Coolock, tbf.

I hope the house that’s gone sale agreed stays sale agreed.


Be a nice step up for Bandage from Killester


Clontarf West, according to some.

Ex SF Dowdall and his dad turning state v the monk and other regency lads. Gonna be murder

Who’ll get to him first?

The IRA, the Kinahans or the Hutches.

He’ll be given a house in Laois - will be safe enough as no one goes there

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I believe Hutch.

Just like Omar pinning that one on Bird

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Hutch associates turned up at their house last night

Where Wallace at? Where Wallace at, String?!