Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

I presume they both will have to serve lengthy prison sentences here in Ireland before entering the programme.

Is there anything that escapes your eagle eye?
Whatever about other parts of you the eyesight is top notch….:+1:

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Not sure about that.Theyll be out of Ireland as soon as the trial is over,id think.

Theres no way they could be put in an Irish jail.Being a rat is about as low as you can go in that world.

The monk is going to spend the rest of his life doing porridge anyway.

What a way to go after his previous

He packed a lot in. A grandad at 42



Gonna make for an unteresting trial given how much the gards messed up with the investigation. Itll also throw some light on the detectives suicide

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That’s the part that holds most interest- Garda fox, who blew his own brains out, what went on there? If it caused a mistrial with ladyboy hutch, may have further airing in this trial.

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Mago is a great nickname.

What’s Flashy up to lately?


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If dowdall takes the stand, says he was coerced and bullied by the guards into testifying etc is there a chance the whole thing collapses?

I’d say they’ll be living in a council house in Doncaster with beards and moustaches in jig time.

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He booked a room and handed over the key but had no idea what it was going to be used for.

If they had no idea what was being planned then what evidence are they going to be able to give :face_with_monocle:

It’s all a bit self serving.

Presumably they did know what was being planned and there’ll be a rake of phone messages before and after

Sleeping in?

Would the monk do his own dirty work? I presumed they’d hire someone for this kind of thing. What did Byrne do that the monk felt the need to personally kill him?