Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

The main target was Daniel Kinahan. Byrne was a consolation prize.

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I should probably read up on it more but these drug wars bore me and i don’t think the cunts should get the notoriety they do. Will we get a movie about the Monk?

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SMH will have the son out hurling.

If he’s good for the CV

What you’d wonder is, if they had the car bugged and had dowdall and the monk spilling the beans, why let him and the Oldman off with a lesser plea? Surely they’ve all 3 (monk + dowdall x2) bang to rights with the bugged material, let the cunts all hang.

Youre right.

Clearly planned premeditated murder, if proved, should be a capital offence.

Dowdall is an evil little cunt, had his daughter (lawyer) record him torturing a fella with the Oldman present too. Rotten to the core, the cunt being given a lifeline when he far from merits it. Snivelling rat escapes with immediate family only, am sure extended family members be none too appreciative.

I don’t support any leniency to the cunt


I went on to YouTube there to learn more and a video was already waiting for me on the rise of the kinihans… Rocko has this placed sold out from beneath us.

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Roxko appears to have grown a moustache and moved to a council flat in Rochdale.

Who is mr Flashy and the Gucci gang?

“He further agreed that while Dowdall has known the Hutch family since he was a teenager and occasionally borrowed money from them”

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Would they not have done that locally?

Could he have started up his business by getting a few bob off them? Some go to a bank, some go elsewhere.

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Is that the statement from Dowdall ?

It’s more an indication of the grip they had on the place… everything seems to go through them or only happens with their blessing …

his aunt must be horrified by this gurriers actions

Developments in the case last week have led to a “fundamental reappraisal of the defence’s strategy”, Hutch’s counsel Brendan Grehan told the court.

Loosley translated to " We need another week to see if we can silence the rat"

After watching a 33 minute video on the Kinihans im now the forum expert on this topic.