Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

Surely if its any way feasible to convict him, they convict. Plenty of persuasive argument abroad on overwhelming circumstanial evidence. He’s a million to walk here surely.

But is everything up until the border still permissible?

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The judge has discretion. I’d say they’ll find a way to allow it.

It’s embarrassing politically if Gardai were deliberately and unlawfully operating in NI.

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Hutch going north to trying to sort the fued doesn’t really equate to him having being involved in the attack. All they really seem to have is some vague comments he supposedly made to Dowdall ?

Do they not have him talking about the attack to dowdall? And a fair few other connections between him, dowdall and the regency?

Has there been a case of one of these high profile Sunday world gangland heads walking free after being up on trial for something? Doubt they’d take the case if they weren’t sure.

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SCC seems to see nearly 100% conviction rate.

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One line about Hutch saying to Dowdall he was part of the team. I’m not sure if that was recorded or just based on Dowdalls testimomy.


The Gunner double

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He could have just been having the craic. Common chat at the time was to ask people if they were Team Hutch or Team Kinahan.

Was the other trial before the Special Criminal Court? The one that collapsed that is.

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If you are going on Dowdalls word, he has serious incentive to lie at this stage to save himself and the auld lads arse

Sounds like the SCC is just a sham court so

I can understand the logic of having it. Small island, easy to intimidate a jury.

How fair and just it is I don’t know.

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I wouldn’t say its fair and just at all but we all give out about judges and light sentencing in other cases involving ‘ordinary’ criminals so doubt anyone cares that much.


Was he not charged long before Dowdall ever entered the equation?

Exactly, but still at enormous cost to him personally and his family. Supergrasses are not particularly well rewarded by the state. He’ll get a new identity, a one way ticket to Canada or Oz and a few quid to settle in but no job guaranteed and will be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his days. I would find a fifteen year sentence in Portlaoise preferable to that kind of existence anyday.

Inside the prison in portlaoise or actually living in the town? I dunno…


Berno and Clancy have tried their best to gentrify them but there’s only so much they can do. If a Muldoon wants to keep shouldering at 1am, so be it

What I’ve learned from the trial…

Garda can recognise someone in the dark and when they’re wearing a motorcycle helmet.

Patsy Hutch is very very lucky. Caught in possession of a hotel room key but not relevant.

Goes sightseeing around north Dublin with a lad caught with guns a few hours later. The Garda lose them for a few minutes, although catch him buying pastries, perhaps just enough time to move stuff from one car to the other but who knows. Garda don’t bother to stop them in Dublin both only the one lad when he’s in Slane.

Shane Rowan was very lucky. Was locked up when others were getting whacked and now is out free walking around with nothing to worry about as most of the Kinihans are locked up.

