Traitors to the Irish people - Covid-19 Edition

If there is a spike in cases next week I hope this event is held up as the next Cheltenham.

Can’t they all be idiots? Gemma and them?

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The next? I hope there’s never another Cheltenham.


No, you need to choose a side on here and then dig in.

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Imagine those crowds walking down Jones Road.

I am starting to think these restrictions are like airport security taking bottles of water off lads - all about optics cc @Batigol

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Amen brother.

That is what a weak person would say

Any fella not fully entrenched on this may as well forget about it.

And they are all idiots, but only one group will be called it

Have to be seen to be doing something

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The irony here is that the WOKE crew here and doing what Gemma and JW fought for in the courts . Gas cunts


You literally couldn’t make it up.

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You can’t catch it outside, thats why the 2m rule is a joke


Same lads on this walk probably would jump into traffic if you approach them on a narrow footpath.

I suppose we are all programmed to do what we want and then justify it as “different” to ourselves afterwards.

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You can only catch it outside if you’re at a protest for non-woke reasons

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It is quite humourous how the guards would not manage traffic however there is a new craze with them doing tik toks for likes.
Only in ireland

You need to do your own thing, stop following. Be zen.

What traffic are they not managing?

Was recently passing mc Donald’s on klylemore road and there was murder at the drive thru fisty cuffs and not guards there.

Don’t get between @PhattPike and a Big Mac

@Dubhub 2019 - Fuck the pigs, they’re at the McDonalds on the Kylemore Rd every time I pass

@Dubhub 2020 - Not a guard to be see at the McDonalds on the Kylemore Rd.

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