Traitors to the Irish people - Covid-19 Edition

Gerry will be disappointed they are not in a position to rock up to the ground on Sunday and front up in the match, but at least he was able to front up today.

“Front up” ah lovely.
Read a few of the replies, majority very positive to Ferg.

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What did he do?

Broke the bubble

Burst the rugby bubble?

Oh dear.

In his final ever game too, what a gobshite :grin:

He’s “fronted up” now so all is :ok_hand:

Went for a few sticks of Heinomite with goys, causing tomorrow nights match to be called off.


Fair play to Ferg doing his bit for herd immunity. What a hero.


Hold on. One fella goes for pints and the whole game is off. What happened?

They do a lot of hugging when they go out together

12 of them went for dinner. Twas supposed to be Ferg’s last ever game

One day you’ll call over to your friend‘s house to ask them to come out to play and it will be the last time you do it but you won’t know it.

Only dinner or was there high jinks after?

The whole packet of Digestives must have gone into this game of soggy biscuit.

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They aren’t allowed break the bubble it makes the testing pointless.

In fairness the BBC are going to show the 2004 Munster Final instead.

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Where was the shebeen that had the sports team in it? Anyone? @Copper_pipe

Athy. @Copper_pipe please put up the athy gaa team in the shebeen whatsapp


Swapping biscuits, the dirty animals.