
There really should be a hybrid forumite called Prawn Cocktake.

Great contributions to this thread yesterday evening.



Great post and i must say and one of your better efforts, no Brit military reference and no pointless rambling.

Keep it like this please you would be doing us all a favour.

Huckleberry i have generously tolerated your irksome posting style of late but i am becoming weary of it once again, do us all a favour and climb back up Runtintins back passage like a good little lad.



Great post and i must say and one of your better efforts, no Brit military reference and no pointless rambling.

Keep it like this please you would be doing us all a favour.[/quote]:smiley:

quote="The Dublin Bay Prawn"Huckleberry i have generously tolerated your irksome posting style of late but i am becoming weary of it once again, do us all a favour and climb back up Runtintins back passage like a good little lad.[/quote]:smiley:




How sad