Twitter (Part 1)

Sure everybody knows Cork is full of wankers

Check the responses here @flattythehurdler The winter snowflake is your sort of lady

Sounds like he got the date wrong for Pride

Pride always comes before a fall

I have no idea what you are talking about mate. Which tweet?

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Ashling Thompson :rofl:oh the ironing

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Poor Charlie


Serious request.
I am trying to find a couple who helped me this afternoon in a very difficult situation on the walk between Kilcoole and Greystones at around 2.30. I was so shocked I asked a complete stranger for a hug.
I want to thank them.

— Charlie Bird (@charliebird49) August 26, 2019
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AFR’s likes on Twitter are revealing to say the least

I think we’ve found a wife for @The_Dunph

be some crack if they started to do that to the gurriers in dublin maccie Ds

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Hahaha. Her tittie flew out. :joy:


I’ve seen this ad on billboards and I think that it’s very stupid. Why is this rugby has-been in it? How does O’Gara relate to “positive energy”? Why does he look so detached from what’s happening around him? Why is he looking at the camera like a creep? Is he trying to hit on my lovely girlfriend, sitting down beside me, also viewing this shit ad? Am I supposed to use this electricity company because they paid an old rugby player to sit in their ad? Does this electricity company endorse adultery? Does this electricity company have nothing else going for it, beyond the ability to pay off Ronan O’Gara? The whole concept strikes me as so lazy and ill-conceived.

Thank you for your time.


It got them some free advertising on Ireland’s premier sports forum for one thing.

There’s an ad on telly at the moment where you have Shane Horgan watching himself playing for Oireland from the stands; O’Gara features in it as well, passing a well-scripted “funny” remark to Horgan at the end. Maybe it’s connected to that, I have no idea, I can’t for the life of me remember what the ad is for, which I guess rendered the whole exercise completely pointless.

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Thank you for your efforts.

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