Twitter (Part 1)

That is a smashing haircut all the same

Fucking hell.

How did they figure out she was a teacher?

Mad shit. Imagine someone contacting your work place over a Twitter post and you have mouths at home to feed.

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It’s even worse. She tweets them, then a while later says she’s not sure if she actually works there. School is in Wexford for what it’s worth.

The INTERNET is serious business.

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Sure didn’t a poster here threaten to contact another posters employer as part of an argument of some sort

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Joe Brolly just retweeted a former poster here into my timeline

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I have forgiven @Bandage for his past behaviour in this regard.

I wasn’t aware of this. I don’t bother with all the petty squabbles to be honest. Life is too short.

Her daughter almost got murdered by bullies mate. Woke up.

There’s always a feel good story to be found.

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What do you mean mate

A poster here had to leave a well paid job over being a smart alec/hard chaw on Twitter sure.

I’m sure you’ve learned your lesson

Ah I’m just having a rise. Tbh I don’t condone that kind of fuckology. It was a disgraceful thing to do.

Ah grand. Disappointing that no grown up stood up there and called a halt to such gobshitery.

I see joe thanking him alright. He looks to be doin well for himself anyways.