Twitter (Part 1)

I’d guess it was dodgy creeper who sent it, but only after at least two hours examining the posting style of @Malarkey.

Inadvisable behaviour from a grown man to send this message to me, in fairness (don’t normally share stuff like this but… wow).


Why is sidneys twitter account restricted?

What’s his Twitter account?^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

Do not be bringing me into your mental illness. You are your own problem – and your own punishment.

I would feel sorry for you – except I do not, because you are severely disturbed, a Jim Jones clench in a pseudo Chomsky gesticulation. A pretend person, a stick without a scarecrow.

I know who you are, a lot about you, courtesy of TCD. You would not like to encounter me, directly or indirectly. Heed this warning. I have no time to waste on anyone who exults in people dying, simply because of where they are from.

Go round in e-circles on your own time. I am too busy rerreading Patrick White.

You will never get to my level. Better to save breath. Especially now.

Or, more simply: ‘Fuck off. You are a tedious gobshite, with moral halitosis.’

Canice picklington i think.

Sid went to trinity?

He is replying like a constipated weightlifter at the moment.

He’s buffering. Too many people sucking up bandwidth talking to each other on Zoom.

Why do you care so much where he went to college or what his twitter is? It’s easy enough to form an opinion how much of a deranged loon he is without digging into his offline life.

For a self declared “intellectual”, isn’t it a bit puerile to just shout “you’re mentally ill” at people? You need to get a better internet page to source your insults from.

How long did it take you to come up with that? Too long.

Tell us a bit about this Jim Jones character for the craic? Is he the lad that had his leg broken playing for Belfast Celtic?

How could a pretend person be a stick without a scarecrow? The scarecrow is the pretend person, surely, unless you’re claiming I’m anorexic? Or is it yet another tedious reference to to the Official IRA that nobody gets and cares less about reading?

I doubt anybody would like to encounter you. It is flattering, if slightly worrying, that you’ve spent such time digging into my background. Who did you get in touch with in TCD, just out of interest?

I exult in people dying because of here they’re from? Ah shucks.

You spent about half an hour writing this post. You have a lot of time to waste, and waste it you do. Fuck knows why.

Is he anything to Jimmy White?

I hope not! Sanity is a much underrated quality!

Moral halitosis? Is that one of your own tedious faux-intellectual phrases or did you nick it off Kevin Cashman, as you did with everything else you write?

You are to him what Ray Hudson is to Sid Waddell, bit unfair on poor Ray there actually, Jimmy Five Bellies is more accurate maybe.

Having another poster hanging on desperately looking at the reply page like I used to look at Ceefax on a Saturday afternoon in 1994 is very flattering.

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I had people contact me about this lad. He is a nasty piece of everything, disturbed and all but deranged, someone more to be despised than to be pitied. Anyone engaging with him is unwise. I regret pulling him up on his Jim Jones dance stance not because I was wrong – I was entirely right – but because he is entirely beyond the pale.

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Just waiting for 303 to flip over


Understood, I was referring to @Perez2017 unnecessarily asking about the real world details of a poster. It’s a poster I have on ignore because of the many reasons you have outlined but the point remains about asking for another posters personal details - it’s odd.

Look, you are some sort of deranged autistic sociopath. I have absolutely no interest in you, whatever your obsession with me. You have never said anything of the slightest interest. Rice Krispie Leftism is beyond tedious.

Now fuck off. I have no interest in pulling the wings off bluebottles. And have as many last words as you like. Away you go. You will always have words, because greasy things stick.


You’re nobody on the internet now unless people are trying to doxx you.

How’s the armchair psychoanalysis business coming along? Makes a change from the armchair epidemiologists we get more regularly around these e-parts, at least.

You’ve just spent the last hour typing out incredibly tedious posts to me.

I prefer the Len Ganley Stance. Do you like Half-Man Half Biscuit, or do you just write like one?

Oh God, not another one of these.

Yes, mate, I live in Galway. Strange to see you suddenly turn volte face and become so anti-rooral just because I’m outside Dublin. Although I believe Kilkenny is too?

Tampon boy is multi-replying to one of Malarkey’s posts, how rattled is that? :laughing:

I expected better from a self declared intellectual than a paraphrasing of the @dodgy_keeper line that “noooo, it’s not Manchester United supporters who are obsessed with Liverpool, it’s Liverpool supporters who are obsessed with Manchester United!!!”

Well I do seem to compund your perpetual misery.

Funny you mention Rice Krispies because you do come across as somebody who snaps, crackles and pops every time you post here.

You’re telling me to fuck off and then to stick around? Can you not make up your mind?

Maybe if you pulled something else off you might be less frustrated and angry?

Ah here, mate, I know you class yourself as a man of words, but even if they’re very tedious ones, there’s no need to put yourself down. Sure if you can’t love yourself, who else would?