Twitter (Part 1)

John Connors was mad for one at one stage with “Bryan” McFadden.

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Tinkers love fighting. It’s their culture boss.

Gordon Darcy made the self deprecating joke about being from wexford and how only two things come from there, knackers and strawberries. John Connors saw it, pulled him up on it about stereotyping travellers. Darcy apologised and said it was a silly joke and he was wrong to tweet it. Connors then challenged him to a bare knuckle fight.



Was connor taking the piss? Is it anti-traveller to ask?

A young lad I know mentioned Connors in a tweet without @ing him or referring to his traveller status.
Connor hunted him down and emailed his employer. The boss made him have a three way call apologizing to Connor and they had a 20 min call to sort it out. Connor was looking for compensation from the outset.

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What was the tweet about?

Something to do with Keelings protest

No, not taking the piss at all. Darcy got all flustered and obviously meant no harm. Its a common phrase used at Wexford people all the time, albeit I dont really hear it much anymore myself, but Connors wouldnt let it lie. Darcy tried be diplomatic and then Connors just deleted the whole conversation thread on twitter.

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This happened? I genuinely thought you were joking

Thats the worst bit. Deadly serious. It was definitely discussed on here at the time too. Might be a screenshot of the comments maybe.

Fuck sake

Pretty disgusting by Darcy



Ah that’s a great photo, great to see him looking relaxed and at ease

Hes gone down that bob geldof route. Not a good option father

I reckon the beard suits him.

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He looks like de shlug.

In my younger days I used to hang out the windows of cars roaring that phrase at Strawberry sellers by the side of the road.
It’s a good job blackie Connors didnt hear me at it.

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