Twitter (Part 1)

I’d say it’s sustained and even grown it’s audience share/influence over the last 10 years. I don’t think any other social media network really has, it was from a lower level obviously though.

Last time I had to look was a couple years ago but in Ireland it had completely stagnated and its market penetration is actually quite weak. It’s already behind Instagram and LinkedIn which are both still growing rapidly.

Lower level was part of the the point. I doubt it would ever been ahead of the likes of Instagram. LinkedIn would have the users, but doubt it has the time spent on it, they are completely different platforms though.

Twitter was never huge, it still had a huge amount of people engaged with it daily though. It’s influence has clearly grown in the last decade. It is a place people go to for news. Financially it’s improving.

It will still be on a lower graph to Facebook or whatever, but I wouldn’t put them on a tier of Snap or say they are finished.

The longer video here is better:


That is surely worthy of a fraud investigation :smiley:

50k worth of tickets sold apparently.

Why didn’t they give it to the number that came up rather than doing a re draw

Hmmm. Well let me think



If Josh doesn’t sue the bollox off em it’s all equal or all a scam.

What the fuck did happen there :thinking:

He had a number it was supposed to be, but he made a bollox of it? Called out the number it was supposed to be rather than the one that came up? And then it magically switched to the number he had said it was at the start?

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Fools and their money

Ya, I’m not sure how exactly how it was supposed to work. Had he two tabs open and was supposed to switch to the other tab or something?

They had an “explanation video” up and were claiming something like the screen they were filming the number was changing (due to an issue with ipads) but on the main screen the number stayed at 164.

Something like that.
@Copper_pipe won’t make a bollox of the tfk Christmas turkey draw like that cc @Rocko

@Copper_pipe using your sluething skills when he scrolls past 164 what is the name that appears?

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They’ve already come out and since said that there was no name actually on number 164, so despite “drawing” two numbers, one of them had a name, one of them didnt, but they decided to do the draw again anyway, using two screens, one doing the draw, the other showing the results of the action done on the other screen being mirrored.

Not at all dodgy, all sounds legitimate.

Sure he scrolls through the whole spreadsheet there and there’s no blank spot. I mean why the fuck would there be?

exactly. not dodgy at all sure…

I’ll have a look later.

If my work colleagues saw me out with a magnifying glass on an excel sheet I’d have to answer questions.

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