Twitter (Part 1)

He has it out for rte.

Daddy’s boy

Eh guys, he won the Peter Ball award

Is that like the thing Fulvio won?


Wonderful achievement

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Exactly that. The Bobby Richards or something.

He has it in for the Labour Party too despite his family being members for years and Ewan working as an aide to a local TD. Those aide gigs are nice for a youngster just out of college.

I think ewan didn’t go to college

He has a degree from the university of LIFE.


He’s not booksmart

He is so lucky to have managed to be a political aide during that time so. All hard work getting that I’m sure.

Another resurrection?


I would too

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She might want to have a word with her mammy.

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It took seven years for the penny to drop, a blonde joke

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Good for her she is making a stand and good for us she reposted that pic

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More in there praying than will be allowed in to watch a match