Twitter (Part 1)

No, there’s little virtue signalling capital in those issues. Which is what it’s really about.

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I always felt Timmy was ploughing George

A woke-fishing weasel.

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It got a lot more fixed by people reading to kill a mockingbird than by reading peig mate.

What is happening to the Uyghur people in China is to my mind a holocaust.

Yep, amongst others.

Great post


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Word is they are doing a COVID special :open_mouth:

I don’t really have any strong opinions on this debate and I’d agree with a lot of what you are saying but you’re the only one from what I can see that’s steaming in with “fuck you” “you’re a moron” “you’re a cunt”, etc. Apart from the usual slagging with art ye do everyone else is trying to put forward points in a reasonable way apart from you. One of the benefits of being always right I guess is that you can just choose to abuse the fuck out of people because, well, you’re always right and you’re better than everyone else.


I’m glad you agree.

I’ve set out above how people responded, basically with fuck you black children I don’t care and I don’t want to hear about it, you’re wrong.

That response is psycho, moronic, nasty and and really fucking sad.

I honestly believe it doesn’t merit anything but being called out as such.

Smashing post. The forum has moved on past such terminology. You’d hope lads could just grow up.

No one said that

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but thats his MO: misrepresent what people said, scream and abuse them.

Until black people stop spreading that word I don’t think we can avoid it so us white people are left with the burden of educating our youth on the past connotations of such nasty words.

You reckon this is all people of colours fault?

No, not all… But black Americans must be the biggest proponents of the n word by a distance. It would probably have sailed off into the distance long ago , bar within some hooded circles, if they stopped using it… But they’re forcing the word on society out if one side of their mouth and then they are screaming racism out the other side and white society hasn’t a clue how to go about it… You’ve lads here who think they are black willing to fight the black cause in a heart beat… Clowns like @Turenne and @glasagusban and @The_Most_Infamous … They feel affinity with the downtrodden Blackman because they listen to rap :rofl:… This is what happens when you take issues like racism off the curriculum and you let impressionable minds get their education from popular culture.


I like hip hop but I fear this is correct.

You have to distinguish between the words ni**er and nigga, the former is an abhorrant racial slur when used by someone who isn’t black, the latter is a neutral term of affection/mild insult. Even though it’s broadly used in rap culture, there’s still a reluctance among white artists to use it. It’s widely used by young people of all races in the US, whether from the hood or pretend hood.

Chicago rapper Sonny Black, a Latino, put it best "if you ‘hood’ you can say it. I know white niggas and they can say ‘nigga’ because they in the hood. They hood niggas, plain and simple, if you hood you got passes’.

I think you said it best yourself, someone from Moyross calling their mates a knacker isn’t intended as a racial slur, but you wouldn’t expect it from someone from say Caherdavin or Castletroy.

It’s fucking ridiculous. It’s a failed country and society. All successful countries are the same, all failed countries are different, see Ireland and the US for example.