Twitter (Part 1)

Nobody wears slippers in this day and age

who is a bigger pain in the hole ewan or parkinson?

Ewan is shameless. Parkinson at least plays up to the fact heā€™s acting the cunt.

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Ewan would start a row in a graveyardā€¦

Most lads i know called Ewan are cuntsā€¦



I have a grand pair of slippers.
They are essential to a father of young childers.


Iā€™m wearing my upstairs slippers right now

Whatā€™s the point of slippers?

The big toe.

More likely talking about himself

Not this shit again.

You canā€™t stand at your big island making breakfast on tiles on a cold winters morning without slippers

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Were posts deleted or something, no major hopping as far as I can see

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Was someone caught out? @Bandage?

Croppy doxxed me.

At least he didnā€™t set the FBI after you like poor old Labane.


@croppy_boy did you set the FBI on @labane?

I told them to standy by and stand down.

Watch this space everyone who beats me in TFKNFLFFL! (this includes everybody I play this season).