Twitter (Part 1)

What’s this now?

Just a little Twitter comp for certain politicians to slap each other on the back. The wimmins have destroyed the men in the seanad one. It appears the shinner bots won the dail comp.


Is 6ft still considered tall these days?

To a short arse it is

Woolberto will get plenty of engagement on this tweet I’d imagine

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Idiotic point

Why shouldn’t they get the same government funding?

They are both part time amateur players


Totally agree with wooly. No way women’s game deserves expenses.

Why should the government fund the men and not the women?

They shouldn’t fund either. Give it directly to the clubs

They give a lot already

I could use more

The Government should just give them all bikes. Would solve a lot of problems. They wouldn’t need to bother with an S&C coach then either, more money saved

There is a bike to work scheme already

It should be extended though

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Because they wouldnt beat a male minor team.

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Yes but both are amateur athletes engaged in their hobbies

Bike to training scheme

I want money for doing my hobbies, TFK and watching porno

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They’re amateur mate

You’d have to be elite at your hobbies though mate…

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Sure you cant even take your own pants off mate.

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