Twitter (Part 1)

So theres clear difference in your mind between the way her own children can be treated/educated as opposed to anyone elses?

And that is just something you made up. It isn’t true. It’s a blatant lie.

care to show me where it says you can specify the punishment here?

@thebird, you’re an awful man.

I think it’s weird that you deny this. What’s a neo-nazi? What’s an extreme far right racist party? What do you think the Irish nationalist party stands for? Golden dawn, nazis. Alternative fur Deutschland, nazis. Irish nationalist party, nazis.

It’s weird to deny this.

There is no “Irish Nazi party”
You made it up.

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You’re conflating two things in order to make an argument and you’re not making sense.

You asked could she raise children.

That is a very different thing to educating other peoples’ children as a primary teacher.

Raising and educating are different things, different standards apply. There is a very clear difference between them.

You’re dancing on the head of a pin here mate

No, you’re conflating two vastly different things.

Raise or educate, which do you want to talk about. They’re not the same.

Have quick look at this.

she left out “cunt”


Calling somebody a Nazi because they express anti Chinese/racist views is silly and demeans the argument. On a point of order a number of Chinese (mainly students) lived and studied in the Third Reich without any incidents or persecution.

Should a teacher who expressed anti British views be allowed to teach given it is xenophobia

Are there any Nazi parties anywhere? If so, what differentiates the Irish nationalist (nazi) party from them, in your view? What differentiates extreme right racist ideology as a political policy from nazism or neo-nazism in your view?

There is no such thing as the “Irish Nazi party”
You made it up.
You would be subject I suspect to a libel suit yourself if you openly espoused what you’ve said here.

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So what’s your question, raise or educate?

At least we can surmise from the NP on her Twitter profile that she is a member of the extreme right racist group calling itself the nationalist party (nazis).

if she said member of NSDAP then you may have a point, it doesnt and you dont

The other thing about the Nazi party is that it was more or less the exact same as the Soviet Communist Party and you’d struggle (and they themselves struggled) to describe how they differed.

Calling a lad a Communist or being a Communist is not objectionable though.

Should a Communist party member be allowed to teach.

Seriously, can you engage with any of this or have you just decided to plant your head in the sand and say no it’s not a Nazi party? I’ve outlined why I think it is a Nazi party, can you please give any reason why in your view it is not a Nazi party?

If she’s teaching the syllabus adequately and not inflicting her political views on the kids and parents are happy enough with her as a teacher then I don’t see the issue

Again mischievous misinterpretation. We’re not talking about you raising a point in a discussion. Organising a Twitter pile on was the suggestion I disagreed with. You then started shrieking about nazi sympathisers. It’s a strange world you live.